avant-garde |ˈavänt ˈgärd|

new and unusual or experimental ideas, esp. in the arts, or the people introducing them

Monday, August 25, 2008

portion yet again

About a month ago now I wrote a post about the word "portion" and how God is our very portion in the moment that we need Him to be. I added lyrics of an amazing song called "Healer" that says in it's chorus:

I believe you're my healer.
I believe you are all I need.
I believe you're my portion

I later found out that there was a story that went along with that song. The man who wrote it, who's name is Mike Guglielmucci, told the world that he wrote that song after finding out he was dying of cancer. For the last two years he has battled the disease spread his story worldwide. It has touched many people and drawn many to Christ. Even I was moved by the song and became overwhelmed each time I heard it played at church. About a week ago Mike Guglielmucci came out and told everyone that it was all a lie. He was not sick and dying from cancer. As expected the Christian community was devastated. There have been some hard hits in the past few years on the church, but nothing have I ever experienced or seen like this.

At first when I heard I had a mixture of feelings. I was angry, I was sad, I was overcome. It didn't impact me in a way that it did some, but it hurt non the less. I have thought about it a lot over the last few days. Now I have reached a point where I am so very sorry for Mike. What he did was wrong. He has hurt a lot of people. He deceived not only the church, but his own family. I have read stories of Christians who are angry. They remind me so much of the Pharisees during Jesus' time. Those "holy" men who were supposedly the leaders of the Jewish community and represented the Law. They stand back and judge Mike. Without even realizing it they say that they are better than him. They are more "holy" than him because they have not sinned like he has.

Again and again in this situation I am reminded of the story in John 8. The Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultry before Jesus. They tested Jesus and said according to the law she should be stoned to death. They wanted to know what Jesus thought. I have always been amazed at Jesus response. He said,

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

One by one the men dropped their stones and walked away for none were without sin. Mike needs the church at this time as he never has before. A blog I read recently talked about the popularity of the song. The writer questioned whether we were ever worshipping God or were we simply worshipping the song and it's writer. This entire situation has definitely caused me to re-evaluate my worship to God.

By God's plan we sang "Healer" in church this last Sunday. As we sang the words I could not help but cry out to God in prayer to be not only the church's healer at this time, but also Mr. Guglielmucci's. For at no greater time does Mike need God as his healer, possibly even more than he ever would have needed him to be if he did have cancer. So I rise up and sing:

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in you
I trust in you

I believe
You're my healer
I believe
You are all i need
I believe
You're my portion
I believe
You're more than enough for me
Jesus, you're all i need

Nothing is impossible for you
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for you
You hold my world in your hands